Each year, basements flood due to the excessive amount of snow pack that begins to melt in the springtime. To prevent this, there are certain steps that need to be taken! No homeowner wants to deal with a flooded basement when it can surely be prevented. To repair and restore, a flooded basement can cause thousands upon thousands of dollars. Also, professionals usually need to be brought in to complete this process. If snow melts quickly, no home is safe from a flooding basement, even if your basement has never flooded before. Here are a couple tips on how to remove snow from your property so that your basement does not end up flooding come springtime!

-Remove snow from around the foundation of your home.  You should pay particular attention to areas around the window wells, as water can easily seep into them if snow melts quickly.

-Most lots drain along the outside edges of the property. Be sure to remove the snow from these areas, and remove any snow that is covering drains if need be.

-Help keep catch basins clear. When it is possible, you should try and clear any ice and snow from the catch basins in your area to prevent any flooding.

-Keep the snow in your yard. Do not shovel any snow onto the sidewalk or into the street. This could block the drainage from the catch basins. This could lead to the street flooding and possibly even your basement.

-Check your gutters and drain-spouts for snow, and if any is present, remove it if possible. This can lead to flooding if this large amount of snow begins to melt at a fast pace. You should keep your downspouts at least 3 feet away from your home to avoid saturation of the soil near the foundation of your home.
-Check your roof for excess amounts of snow. If you own a roof rake, it could be helpful in trying to remove the snow and ice from the structure. If you would rather not deal with the hassle, you can also hire professionals to do the job for you.

A flooded home/basement is a serious matter and should be taken as such. If you undergo the unfortunate event of a home flood, it is in your best interest to call in a team of professionals to come and remove the water as well as dry your property thoroughly. Most of these issues can be avoided by following the above steps. When looking for snow and ice on your roof and removing ice from your property, it is best to do before the snow begins to melt for maximum prevention.

Updated: March 4, 2014 — 7:40 pm
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